Friends of Swanage Hospital - Homepage

Major Annual Expenditure

 Year  Article/Equipment  Cost in UK £
 2020 / 2021  Building works to create new rooms in undercroft, patient garden and car park   1,026,000
 2019 / 2020  Ongoing building works see 2020/2021
 Support for staffing (ward)  4000
 Staff Training Grant  5000
 2018 / 2019  Electrosurgical unit and specialist chairs (DSU)  32,500
 Trolleys (DSU) and syringe pump (OPD ears)  14,600
 Zeiss microscope (OPD eyes)  45,500
 Staff Training Grant  5000
 2017 / 2018  Patient hoists (ward)  9000
 Patient trolleys (DSU)  9000
 Specialist chairs (ward and MIU)  4000
 Staff Training Grant  5000